Just discovered TENGA and unsure where to start? We're here to help!

Low-priced, so you can test the waters before deciding what is right for you.

The Original Vacuum CUP

This is the flagship TENGA product, pre-lubricated, just pop it open and you're ready to go!
Check out the rest of the CUP Series here.


Our most popular EGG! The inside has multiple layers of wavy ribs and it is made of super-stretch material to fit most sizes.
Click here for the whole EGG Series, with different textures and firmness.



Higher priced, but can be washed and used again and again.


The internal coil makes the product twist as you insert!
See the SPINNER Series here.

AIR-TECH Squeeze Regular

The malleable case is easy to hold and allows direct control over the pressure. The removable sleeve has a padded insertion point for comfort and is easy to remove and clean.
See the AIR-TECH Series here.


A work of art, that can be reversed for amazing stimulation! Made of antibacterial super-stretch material, it can fit most sizes.
Click here for the TENGA 3D Series.


For those who want to splurge, this is made with our most advanced technology. Boasting a seamless insertion point to avoid leakage and a one-way valve for powerful vacuum, it also flips open for easy cleaning and drying.
The FLIP 0 EV also contains 2 motors for the most intense sensations!
Check out the entire FLIP Series. 


Interested in iroha vibrators? Click here!