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TENGA ist stolz, euch seine jüngste Entwicklung im Bereich der Sex-Accessoires für Männer zu präsentieren: den FLIP ZERO aus feinsten Materialien und mit modernster Technologie.

TENGA hat die Lust mit seiner einzigartigen FLIP-Serie auf eine neue Ebene gehoben.

Ein nahtloser Eingang mit Einwegventil verhindert das Auslaufen von Gleitmittel und ermöglicht ein starkes Vakuum.

Ein Schauer intensiver Empfindungen!

Der FLIP ZERO ist zurück – mit der besonders beliebten Strong Black Edition! Das futuristische FLIP-System präsentiert sich in einem festeren Material mit noch gewagteren Details für rundum neue Erfahrungen aus der FLIP-Serie.

Für den FLIP ZERO EV mit elektronischer Vibration, bitte hier klicken.

LAYERED END ORB: Der End Orb an der Spitze ist von einer äußern Schicht umgeben, die Stimulation von allen Seiten bietet.

TRIPLE CHAIN GATE: Durchbrich das Tor und drücke dabei die Luft heraus.

RIDGE WALL: Angenehme Kanten umgeben dich von beiden Seiten.

RIPPLE DOME: Diese Kuppel umschiegt deinen Schaft und stimuliert ihn mit wellenförmigen Rippen.

FLIP ZERO Eigenschaften

Eingang für besonders hohe Benutzerfreundlichkeit

Die „integrierte Achse“ verbirgt das Flip-open-Scharnier im Gehäuse und ermöglicht einen nahtlosen Eingang für eine verbesserte Verwendung, während das Produkt nach wie vor leicht zu reinigen ist. Genieße das Gefühl beim Eindringen, ohne dir Gedanken über austretende Lotion machen zu müssen.

Das FLIP-Open-Design ermöglicht eine einfache Reinigung.

Bitte wasche das Produkt nach der Verwendung unter kaltem oder lauwarmem fließendem Wasser. Stelle das Produkt anschließend mithilfe der Gleitarme zum Trocknen auf.

Bedienungsanleitung FLIP ZERO

Verwendung der FLIP ZERO
Gib Lotion in das Innere des FLIP ZERO. Schließe ihn und schiebe ihn auf die Gleitarme. Gib dann auch Lotion auf den Eingang.

Nach dem Einführen kannst du die Druckpads für eine gezielte Stimulierung an beliebigen Stellen drücken und ein internes Vakuum erzeugen.

※ Für die weitere Nutzung empfehlen wir die HOLE LOTION von TENGA (separat erhältlich).


 Größe (T × B × H mm): 68 × 80 × 175

Einführungstiefe (mm): ca. 160

Einführungsweite (mm): ca. 50

Gewicht (g): 470

Weitere Infos: Wiederverwendbar, Inklusive Lotion

Gehäuse & Verschluss: PC
Innenfutter: Thermoplastisches Elastomer (TPE)
Druckkissen und Transportankerring Silikon
Besitzer des Bedienerhandbuchs: GPPS

Dieses Produkt wird geliefert mit:



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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Josaem Silva
Cleaning is a bit slow

My original review was quite negative, but I have come to like my toy better, so here it goes.

The product feels good and the materials seem to be of very good quality. Sometimes the material feels too rough if not lubed properly, so be mindful of that.

This product has a few bad design flaws that can turn a buyer off.

For starters, the toy is bulky, meaning that it's heavy for sessions longer than maybe 40 min. This also means it's kind of unwieldy. Not as bad as heavier toys from other companies and the tact is great. Still, it's not as light as your average Vacuum Cup for instance.

The next issue is that the one way valve ends up leaking lube and such from the top, which is a bit weird, especially since other products like the vacuum cups don't do that, although those use the hole mechanism, which is a bit more unwieldy in my opinion and ends up hurting my hand due to the awkward position. This happens after longer sessions, mainly if you end up ejaculating inside at least once.

Basically, with all the motions and shaking it seems like lube and semen start combining into some kind of foam, which ends up leaking from the top of the toy. If you stop using it after ejaculating once then you're probably fine.

A big issue for me is that, although easy to clean, it's far more annoying that your average Vacuum Cups.

First, drying like shown in the toy to takes a long time (at least 30 min after first drying with a towel). Even when using a microfiber cloth to dry it it takes at least twice the time it takes for me to try a Vacuum Cup toy, I bet on a more humid climate it could easily take days to actually dry up without manually drying.

Second, there's a ton of spots that are barely noticeable during use that are extremely annoying to clean and especially dry. Even after rinsing and scrubbing for a minute or two there were still spots where lube stuck in that I didn't see. A particularly annoying one is near the entrance (the "cross rampart"), where one of the thin walls opens up, which makes it harder to clean while not providing a noticeable improvement in sensation.

Third, the toy is TPE, meaning that you absolutely MUST clean and dry it properly unless you want it to get moldy (and so having to throw it away). I have noticed that the TPE used here is a lot better than the ones in Vacuum Cups, and hairs and such seem to not stick to it like in those other toys.

Honestly, for such an expensive product I really hoped it would be a better, but as it stands the stimulation through texture is great and superior than a Strong Vacuum Cup, while most other things seem to not be an improvement. Yes, cleaning doesn't require you to dry and clean the inside and outside, but you have to scrub to take all the residue away. Yes, it has a better drying rack, but drying manually takes a lot longer instead, and some parts dry especially slowly, so at the end of the day I don't think there's that much of a difference between this and an Air Tech toy for instance except for a bit of an improvement in terms of texture.

Christian Jathe


Valentin Milleret


Very nice and hygienic

Very nice and hygienic

Watch out the size

sadly it's too little ans too tight which make it not as comfortable as it could be.

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