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TENGA Puffy Sink Deeper Into Pleasure Banner

Sumérgete Profundamente en el placer

¡Disfruta de las sensaciones más esponjosas e hinchadas del material más suave entre todos los productos de TENGA!
Los detalles internos han sido diseñados para ser más grandes y gruesos que los modelos anteriores, para que puedas hundirte completamente y disfrutar de la lujosa suavidad.

TENGA Puffy Custard Yellow

TENGA Puffy Custard Yellow Mobile Version
TENGA Puffy Custard Yellow

 ¡Las costillas gruesas espirales crean sensaciones entrelazadas y suaves como un muelle!
El Amarillo Crema está lleno de costillas en espiral de tentadora elasticidad.
TENGA Puffy Custard Yellow Reviews Mobile Version
TENGA Puffy Custard Yellow Reviews Desktop


video of a hand stroking with the TENGA Puffy and squeezing it
Experimenta el tacto irresistible y sin precedentes de su material sedoso y extrasuave.
Aprieta su envoltura blanda para controlar la presión interior. Su revestimiento protector antisuciedad tiene una textura flexible y suave que proporciona una agradable sensación para el tacto.
TENGA Puffy being washed
Su estructura impermeable permite que la esponja interna permanezca seca para un uso repetido.
Retira la tapa superior para limpiar el producto sin que el agua se filtre en la estructura interna y cause daños. El interior del producto se puede limpiar fácilmente retirando la tapa superior y la tapa del punto de inserción.

TENGA STORE EUROPE Blog: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el TENGA Puffy

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Especificaciones del producto

Tamaño (An × L × Al mm): 85 × 87 × 165

Longitud de inserción (mm): Se estira hasta aprox. 150

Anchura de inserción (mm): Se estira hasta aprox. 45

Peso (g): 350

Otros datos:

  • Reutilizable
  • Incluye una bolsita de loción

Materiales: Elastómero, silicona, PC, ABS, uretano, POM

Este producto incluye:

TENGA Lotion Regular Pouch Icon

TENGA Lotion Regular (5ml)

¿Quieres saber más acerca del loción incluido con este artículo?
Consulta las características de los lociones antes de comprarlo.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Would recommend

TL;DR Super soft inside, nice thick ridges, would recommend.

I would like to say that I have received this product free of charge by signing up as a reviewer for the Puffy on the TENGA website (thanks TENGA!). Having said that, I tried to be as honest as possible.

First impressions:
The page of these new TENGAs (there’s also a new Strawberry Pink) was already up, so I read everything and looked through all the pictures, and immediately was interested by the large knobs and ridges inside the Puffy. Being of slightly larger than average length and girth, for me these are the most stimulating and satisfying parts of a masturbator.

After the new toy quickly arrived from Tokyo, I could not wait to open up its package. I liked the simplicity of the box. A picture of the toy with some of the expected information and a little booklet inside, and… of course the toy!

I had no idea what to expect texture-wise for the outside. Yes, I had read some of the descriptions in the reviews on the TENGA store, some Reddit comments, and studied the pictures of all the Puffies, but still had difficulty to imagine what it would feel like…

Well, the middle outer part of the toy, the squeezable part, is the soft part. Both of the caps (the drying cap and the insertion point cap) are a tougher plastic, not as soft, and not squeezable. The soft middle part, however, feels a bit like a satin made out of soft silicone, if that makes any sense haha. This maybe sounds cheap, but I was really surprised by the tactile sensations of it. Its super-softness and neutral fragrance were very inviting. Immediately underneath it is the elastomer inner sleeve, and feeling (and squeezing!) that trough the outer part is arousing and inviting too.

The entire Puffy (caps included) with its custard yellow color just looks pretty and you can tell it’s well designed with the innovative drying cap (turn it 90 degrees), however I just let it dry ‘naked’ in a drying closet. For me it dries in about 2 days.

First test:
After seeing how soft and inviting the Puffy was, I just had to warm up my USB sleeve warmer, and make it even more inviting. While lubing the inside with my finger I noticed how amazingly arousing all the inner textures felt. I can recommend this to everyone(!), the textures just feel amazing and the insides super snug. Somewhat like a pussy. I was looking forward to this! After having lubed up the insertion point and my penis I had a little difficulty to enter. It felt as tight (for me) as with all the TENGAs, but slightly less tight than my Air-Tech ULTRA. No problem, I like a little bit of a tight insertion, and with the sufficient lube, the insides were not uncomfortably tight at all, and everything was as snug as as a bug in a rug. Needless to say, I came really fast haha. The inside textures feel very premium indeed and better than all my other masturbators. With a little bit of a curvy penis, I also noticed how the flexibility of the Puffy helped with guiding my penis, which made penetration even nicer. The elastomer on the insides also seems way softer and inviting than my other TENGAs.

Conclusions over time:
This toy truly became my perfect daily milker. Personally, it just adds so much to have a soft, quickly prepared warm hole to stuff at the end of the day haha. I just love how nice the inside feels, and that’s what matters most. However, I feel that the outside still could use some design improvement by really making the entire Puffy, including the caps, soft and squishy.

Also, I read that some people find Puffies a hassle to clean… I find the opposite, and this Puffy one of my easiest toys to clean. With its screwtop drying cap it’s easy to run lukewarm water and soap through, and again, it dries fast!

Puffy yellow disappointing

Even though it is supposed to be on the stronger and bolder side of stimulation, I found it weak compared to my 3d spiral

Bonus point for being extremely relaxing to hold in my hand I guess

Douglas portway
Custard puffy

Somewhat disappointed, nice pastel colour, very tactile, but lacked the wow factor.
Perhaps good for some couples, America size might help, but prefer Premium vacuum cup.

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