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Nous utilisons des emballages bruns neutres

TENGA est fier de présenter sa dernière création : FLIP ZÉRO, alliant matériaux de qualité supérieure et technologie de pointe.

Le FLIP ZERO Black offre un matériau plus ferme, des détails internes plus prononcés et une succion plus forte que
le FLIP ZERO White !

Pour le FLIP ZERO EV Black, cliquez ici.

Point d'insertion conçu pour une utilisation exceptionnelle

Le tout nouveau pivot intègre la charnière « FLIP-open » (avec ouverture par soulèvement) qui améliore la sensation de pénétration, pour une utilisation simplifiée et un nettoyage facile ! À présent, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur votre plaisir dès l'entrée, sans vous soucier des éventuelles fuites de lubrifiant.

Des sensations encore plus fortes !


La technologie de pointe de moulage permet d'offrir une précision dans les détails internes totalement inédite.

Les structures internes du RIDGE WALL exercent une étreinte des deux côtés, alors que les reliefs ondulés du RIPPLE DOME stimulent votre membre. Plus en profondeur, le TRIPLE CHAIN GATE décuple le plaisir par un jeu d'expulsion d'air, enfin la membrane enveloppante et la sphère terminale de la LAYERED END ORB vous attendent pour une stimulation sous tous les angles.

Instructions d'utilisation du FLIP ZERO

Utilisation du FLIP ZERO
Lubrifiez l'intérieur du FLIP ZÉRO. Refermez l'article et enclenchez la position fermée à l'aide des bras coulissants et lubrifiez le point d'insertion.

Une fois votre membre à l'intérieur, appuyez sur les coussins de pression pour évacuer l'air via la valve unidirectionnelle et créer une succion ultra puissante.

※ Le FLIP ZERO est livré avec des échantillons de HOLE LOTION REAL. Nous recommandons les produits de la marque TENGA HOLE LOTION pour vos usages futurs (vendus séparément.)

La conception FLIP-open facilite le nettoyage.

Lavez-le sous l'eau courante froide ou tiède après utilisation. Une fois lavé, vous pouvez utiliser les bras coulissants comme support de séchage de l'appareil. Une fois sec, il vous suffit de ranger le FLIP ZERO dans sa boîte de stockage.

Spécifications du produit

Dimensions (P × L × H mm) : 68 × 80 × 175

Profondeur interne : env. (mm): 160

Largeur interne : env. (mm): 50

Poids (g) : 470

Autres informations :

  • Réutilisable
  • Échantillon de lotion incluse

Matériaux : Étui et bride en U : PC
Fourreau interne : élastomère thermoplastique (TPE)
Coussin de pression et anneau support de transport : silicone
Étui du manuel d’utilisation : polystyrène à usage général

Ce produit est livré avec :



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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Josaem Silva
Cleaning is a bit slow

My original review was quite negative, but I have come to like my toy better, so here it goes.

The product feels good and the materials seem to be of very good quality. Sometimes the material feels too rough if not lubed properly, so be mindful of that.

This product has a few bad design flaws that can turn a buyer off.

For starters, the toy is bulky, meaning that it's heavy for sessions longer than maybe 40 min. This also means it's kind of unwieldy. Not as bad as heavier toys from other companies and the tact is great. Still, it's not as light as your average Vacuum Cup for instance.

The next issue is that the one way valve ends up leaking lube and such from the top, which is a bit weird, especially since other products like the vacuum cups don't do that, although those use the hole mechanism, which is a bit more unwieldy in my opinion and ends up hurting my hand due to the awkward position. This happens after longer sessions, mainly if you end up ejaculating inside at least once.

Basically, with all the motions and shaking it seems like lube and semen start combining into some kind of foam, which ends up leaking from the top of the toy. If you stop using it after ejaculating once then you're probably fine.

A big issue for me is that, although easy to clean, it's far more annoying that your average Vacuum Cups.

First, drying like shown in the toy to takes a long time (at least 30 min after first drying with a towel). Even when using a microfiber cloth to dry it it takes at least twice the time it takes for me to try a Vacuum Cup toy, I bet on a more humid climate it could easily take days to actually dry up without manually drying.

Second, there's a ton of spots that are barely noticeable during use that are extremely annoying to clean and especially dry. Even after rinsing and scrubbing for a minute or two there were still spots where lube stuck in that I didn't see. A particularly annoying one is near the entrance (the "cross rampart"), where one of the thin walls opens up, which makes it harder to clean while not providing a noticeable improvement in sensation.

Third, the toy is TPE, meaning that you absolutely MUST clean and dry it properly unless you want it to get moldy (and so having to throw it away). I have noticed that the TPE used here is a lot better than the ones in Vacuum Cups, and hairs and such seem to not stick to it like in those other toys.

Honestly, for such an expensive product I really hoped it would be a better, but as it stands the stimulation through texture is great and superior than a Strong Vacuum Cup, while most other things seem to not be an improvement. Yes, cleaning doesn't require you to dry and clean the inside and outside, but you have to scrub to take all the residue away. Yes, it has a better drying rack, but drying manually takes a lot longer instead, and some parts dry especially slowly, so at the end of the day I don't think there's that much of a difference between this and an Air Tech toy for instance except for a bit of an improvement in terms of texture.

Christian Jathe


Valentin Milleret


Very nice and hygienic

Very nice and hygienic

Watch out the size

sadly it's too little ans too tight which make it not as comfortable as it could be.

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