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Nous utilisons des emballages bruns neutres

Laissez-vous envelopper par le bonheur sophistiqué que procurent ces détails délicats !

Combinant toutes les caractéristiques d'un sex-toy masculin réutilisable, la technologie FLIP-Style TENGA est le résultat d'une recherche poussée. Elle associe une structure qui serait inimaginable sans les technologies actuelles et des fonctionnalités uniques telles que le système de pompe à vide (Vacuum Pump) et la commande actionnable d'une main (One Hand Control Pad). Avec deux nouveaux modèles de FLIP HOLE, la technologie novatrice FLIP-Style de TENGA continue de révolutionner les plaisirs solitaires des hommes, partout dans le monde.

FLIP HOLE Détails internes

FLIP HOLE détails internes
Volupté soyeuse
Laissez-vous envelopper par le bonheur sophistiqué que procurent ces détails délicats !

Caractéristiques du FLIP HOLE

Des Détails Sophistiqués pour une Stimulation Totalement Immersive
Notre matériau élastomère extrêmement doux vous enveloppe au fur et à mesure de l'insertion.
FLIP HOLE Pressure Pads

Le FLIP HOLE possède une plaque argentée interne appelée « Coussinet Flottant »
Le Coussinet Flottant à l'intérieur du FLIP HOLE est en suspension dans le matériau en élastomère doux.
Contrôlez la zone et la puissance de la stimulation en exerçant une pression sur le Coussinet Flottant.
Le Coussinet Supérieur Procure une stimulation agréable vers la pointe de l'appareil.
Le Coussinet Central expulse l'air emprisonné et augmente la pression de succion.
Le Coussinet Inférieur exerce une pression accrue sur le point d'insertion.

FLIP HOLE Drying Mechanism

Utilisez le capuchon comme un socle pour un séchage hygiénique à l'air libre.
En plus de servir de solution de rangement hygiénique et d'assurer un bon maintien pour éviter les fuites de lubrifiant, les bras coulissants peuvent également être utilisés comme support pour sécher votre FLIP HOLE à l'air libre après utilisation.

Spécifications du produit

Dimensions (P × L × H mm) : 68 × 85 × 175

Profondeur interne : env. (mm): 150

Largeur interne : env. (mm): 45

Poids (g) : 750

Autres informations : Réutilisable, Échantillon de lotion incluse

Matériaux : 
Étui & bride en U : PC
Fourreau interne : élastomère thermoplastique (TPE)

Ce produit est livré avec :



Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la lotion qui accompagne ce produit ?
Consultez les Informations sur les lotions avant d’effectuer votre achat.


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Taivo Tobreluts
Well designed "tight hole"

I preface by saying that this is my first toy, so my observations don't have much of a comparison with other products.
I did some background research on forums and wanted to buy a single toy of quality, over disposable cheap stuff I would regret.

Some thoughts:

Surprisingly heavy and made of a very soft silicone, similar those stretch toys that retake their shape,
that I first feared would start tearing, but on further inspection seems remarkably strong.
Still can be easily used with one hand.

In large part the inside ridges seems to be designed to prevent the "lotion" from escaping, directing it to the side channels.
Good design for keeping everything clean and allowing for a larger amount of more liquid lotion. Although that means you need to use more lotion overall,
as it gets pushed to the large side channels and will leave the center too dry if you don't use enough.
The downside of that is that there is a hard wall closing off the rest of the passage that you first have to push through,
if your penis has a larger head that can be a problem, this can be mitigated by moving the "slide cap" back at first.
I did chafe myself a little during first use before figuring that out.

I very much appreciate the flip aspect, cleaning is very simple, just spray it down during showering.
I shudder to think how annoying properly cleaning the closed toys would be.
Although the idea that you can use the slide arm as a cleaning stand is ill-conceived.
It does not attach to it so you just have to balance it on top, completely impractical, better to just lay it down open to dry.

Overall using it was very intense, although I recommend measuring yourself and looking for opinions from
men of similar size, had I been much thicker or a little shorter, then I believe I would have had a bad experience.
For average, or slightly below average size men this thing is perfect.
The buttons are interesting, the middle vacuum pump is useful for moving the lotion back to the center/front.
The rest are not much use to me due the hole being already very tight for me.

The price might be steep, but the device is well engineered
and will hopefully last for years. Overall it has stood up to the hype and I am rather pleased.

Jakub Hindra
Cloud nine

This is probably my favorite one at the moment, I absolutely love the whole texture and you can greatly enhance your experience by the "buttons" which to my surprise work very well. It takes some time to get used to, but you can really create a slightly different experience each time you use it depending on what you feel like.

It is extremely easy to clean and a joy to use, the only drawback is probably the insertion point, which is the part that opens, which causes some minor lube leak, unlike Flip Zero series, but that is not something I mind too much and everything else more than makes up for it.

George-Remus Turcuman
Different, but good different

For Flip-Hole white version:

A bit overwhelmed at first, since it has a lot going on, but after the first few tries I got used to it. Don't expect realism with this because I don't think that's the point. The point of it is to send you over the edge with fantastic intensity, realism not included, something which I think it succeeds at. Role-players will love it.

Between this and the Fleshlight I'll have to say both are very different yet with the same goal. It's more of a personal preference which one you like best.

I'm pretty happy with my purchase. It was fast and discreet, nothing more to it.

Arthur Delabie Ayaba Akplogan

Tout est bon

Flip Hole

Pas vraiment content de cet achat: malgré les critiques prometteuses, le résultat est décevant: pas de sensations si ce n'est qu'une impression de compression. la pénétration se fait difficilement car l'appareil est trop petit ou mal conçu pour les fortes tailles. Même en prenant son temps, il faut que la place se fasse, la matière doit se tasser, l'appareil est sur le point d'exploser à chaque aller, pas de différence de sensation aux différents reliefs.
Très déçu par cet article qui paraissait prometteur ! ! !

Hi there. All product sizes are listed on the product page, so please make sure to check before purchasing. If you're looking for something that accommodates a larger size then we'd recommend the TENGA EGGs to see if you enjoy them. The GEO and 3D series are also similarly stretchable but reusable products.

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